Thursday 17 May 2012

Local Small Business Marketing, Internet Marketing

How Can Google Analytics Enhance Local and Small Business Marketing

Thomas, an IT professional from Denmark, has been running a tech-specific blog as a part of his hobby. Within a few months he felt the need to know how well his blog was being received by people worldwide. So, he added Google Analytics to his website and discovered that the number of people visiting his blog was increasing steadily. The traffic directed to his blog by Google increased remarkably from 63.45% in Q1 to 94.62 % in Q3 2011. Thomas also discovered that sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and, were referring his blog. In addition, the fact that Google promoted his blog to a page rank 3 in Q3 boosted the blog’s traffic flow. The tactic employed by Thomas can be effectively used even by SMEs. If you wish to improve your local or small business marketing strategy, Google Analytics is the way to go.

Improve Your Local or Small Business Marketing Strategies with Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides insights about web traffic and the efficacy of the internet marketing campaign. This is an easy way of improving your local, small business marketing plan. Let’s take a look at the advantages offered by Google Analytics:

·        Cash on higher converting pages/ links
With Google Analytics, you can find out the links and pages that are most clicked on by your website visitors. You can also find out on which page, your visitors are spending most of their time. According to these findings, you can improve your local, small business, marketing strategies to increase traffic.

·        Improve your website’s SEO
The search engines which send maximum traffic to your website will be clearly illustrated by the Search Engine Traffic Metric feature of Google Analytics. You can also figure out how search engines generate this traffic and convert them. In addition, it helps you to find out the keywords that lead traffic to your website. If there are certain keywords that are generate more leads for your site, you can increase your internet marketing spends.

Apart from the aforementioned features, you will be pleased to know that Google Analytics is integrated with Google AdWords. Google AdWords displays your business ads on Google search result pages and their promotion networks on a Pay Per Click (PPC) basis; this means that you pay an advertising fee to Google only if people click on your ads. This is a good way of strengthening your local/small business marketing strategies.

Here the Author Harris Symonds says about  Local Small Business Marketing  and Internet Marketing. For more details please visit

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